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children & Youth Ministry

At Central Christian Church our ministry principles are consistent:

Growing our Faith, Living our Faith, Sharing our Faith....Together. 

This is no different with the children and youth. 

We want all children to know they are loved. 


Worship & Wonder

"Worship and Wonder"  is for children 3 years to 3rd Grade. Children are engaged in story telling that make the Bible come to life!  During both services each Sunday children are invited to go to Children's Worship in the Children's Education Building.


wow Wednesdays

4:00 - 5:15 pm - JOY Club 1

6:00 -7:30 pm - JOY Club 2

for Ages K - 5th Grade

gather in the

Children's Lobby!



6:15 - 7:30 pm 

Youth Gathering

for Grades 6 - 12

meet us in Cuppett (Fellowship) Hall!




Joy clubs 
1 & 2

JOY Club is intended for elementary age children (K- 5th grade) after school on Wednesdays. Children will have a snack, art, worship and a lesson in a fun and loving environment.

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Each summer, children from the community look forward to VBS. Each year has a different theme, but consistently the kids experience worship, recreation, and bible study with plenty of food and fun!



The Youth Group meets on Wednesday evenings during the school year. During the summer there are mission trips, camp opportunities, and other fun activities planned for 6th - 12th graders. 
Chi Rho for grades 6 - 8 &

Christian Youth Fellowship (CYF) for grades 9 - 12. Summer Camp Schedule is available.

Click here for details.

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